Modern communication media have changed dramatically during the last few years. So it's difficult to obtain an objective overview of all possibilities and dangers in the security area. Our scope is, therefore, to give an easy introduction to security thinking. Security demands are substantially the same for stand alone family PC's or for large networks: In both cases the main goal is to avoid damages of any form on people or machines.
For the network we would like to find a way to recognise possible problems and solve them.
The scope of a secure "family-PC" is to configure a PC in such a way that the whole family from 6 years up may work or play without danger of damages in any way.
The scope of secure communication is to transmit information between two points without possibility of access by a third party.
Any contribution is welcome. This may be your own products presented on this pages or an e-mail commenting another page.
New perspectives will appear on this pages, as well as tips or links to corresponding pages in the net.
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Last update: Dec. 31. 2011